Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The lights at Temple Square

We love to go see the lights on Temple Sqare. It is a magical place. It feels like a fairytale and this year was no different. Surrounded by all of my family, we ventured out into the cold, to ride the train from Aarons work (a few blocks from the Temple) to Temple square. The kids love to be with their cousins! Especially when it comes to new adventures. When we got there you could feel the excitement in the hundreds of people gathering in. We took pictures and had snacks, and waited, more patiently than I've seen my kids wait for anything for a while. And then..... They were on! An Ahhhhh rippled through the crowd, and the kids eyes got wide as they turned in every direction trying to take it all in. What an amazing sight. My favorite part was listening to the bagpipes playing Christmas music in the background. It was the kind of night you pack away in your greatest memory box, and pull out when you need a smile!

1 comment:

Lise said...

Did you see my family there? I think Kai, Kami, Mom, Dad and Kirse were there. It is such a fun place. I don't remember ever being there when they lit them, that would be fun. I haven't been on your blog forever (I use google reader) and it is soooooo cute!!!! The picture of the boys is the best.