So I went to bunco the other night, and Nicole had SUPER fun prizes. I wanted ALL of them! Silly rules say you only get to pick one, well I was upset about it, cause they were all super cute! And so since frame making is not my specialty I got a beautiful frame as a prize and took home some inspiration from an apron that she had there. I have some beautiful, cute, fabric in my garage for just such a project, but when I got it out, I couldn't cut into it without a patern for fear that I would ruin EVERYTHING! So here's a funny quirk about me. I hate top sheets! Weird, I know. Who doesn't like top sheets? Well they are always so cold.... and when I jump into bed I like to be warm, and snuggly. So instead of being normal and teaching my children top sheet etiquete, I have a ton of top sheets laying around doing nothing. Well just this once I'm glad to be weird! I had this white sheet in the closet that cost around $4 from target. (and have already gotten my $4 worth out of the bottom sheet.) So I wasn't afraid to rip it apart and make this cute (if I do say so myself) peasant apron. Ta da! P.S. I only sew in straight lines. So ANYONE could make this baby!
I used an old plain apron as a pattern for the underneath part. I lined it up with the top of the sheet so it was finished nice on the top. The less sewing the better I always say! Then I cut 7 inch strips off the bottom of the sheet. I used the finished edge for the bottom layer, and left the other two ruffles edges frayed. (just cause I think it's cute) to make the ruffles you baste stitch an inch and a half from the top, and then gather to the right length. I used red string because I couldn't find white, and I thought it would be cute. Then I made a little bird out of some cute red fabric I had laying around. I added a ties, also not finished, just stagger stitched around the neck and at the sides. There, If I can do it, you can too!
Chubbly little bird! :0)