Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Arrrrrrrrr Matey!

Avast ye swabs. A treasure hunt be in the works. (Do you love the map's of our backyard? Ha Ha)
These be me matey's. All Cap'n's to be.
Find ye treasure Zacky!
Avast! There it be! The trail leads to Grandma's house!
The TREASURE Hooray!!!!

Today we did a little treasure hunt. Thanks to grandma for our halloween treasure. In the treasure box were some orange and black pipecleaners, with a baggie of buttons. All buried in gold (ok, ok it was popcorn) So we all sat down in the grass to make spiders with our "treasure" And we talked about the treasures we have in our lives. Zack's treasure (things that make him happy) is sharing with friends. (funny he doesn't do that more often.) Grandma's treasures are her kids and grandkids. Kolby's treasure is finding real bugs. (he also likes wrestling with his dad) My treasures are the memories I am making with my boys these days.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

What a fun mom you are! Someday I might be as fun as you are. You have some of the best activity ideas for your kids.